The VOICE Network is an association of NGOs and Trade Unions working together to address sustainability issues in the global cocoa supply chain. We are now changing our membership structure – if you want to join us as associate member, please read this information package (English/French/Español).
ABVV/Horval (Belgium)Action against Child Exploitation (ACE) (Japan)
Be Slavery Free (Australia)
Be Slavery Free Netherlands (The Netherlands)
EcoCare Ghana (Ghana)
Fern (Belgium)
Freedom United (Global)
Fundación Alisos (Colombia)
Global Labor Justice (USA)
Green America (USA)
IDEF (Côte d'Ivoire)
INADES Formation (Côte d'Ivoire)
Inkota Netzwerk (Germany)
Mighty Earth (USA)
Nature & Development Foundation (Ghana)
Oxfam America (United States)
Oxfam Belgium (Belgium)
Oxfam Ghana (Ghana)
Oxfam Novib (Netherlands)
ROSCIDET (Côte d'Ivoire)
Rikolto (Belgium)
SEND Ghana (Ghana)
Solidaridad (Europe)
Südwind Institut (Germany)
Tropenbos DR Congo (DR Congo)
Tropenbos Ghana (Ghana)
Tropenbos International
WWF Belgium (Belgium)
WWF France (France)
European Federation of Food, Agriculture and Tourism Trade Unions (EFFAT) (Europe)Public Eye (Switzerland)